We have been busy working on a special project. The project is called the O.R.E.O. Project – which stands for Our Really Exciting Online Project –and is hosted by a teacher in Southern California. This will be her 13th year of hosting this project. Since 1999, students from every state in the US, almost every Canadian province, and several other countries have participated in this project and submitted their results online to share with each other. Each student will have 2 chances to stack as many oreos as they can. (There are certain rules involved that were explained when we hosted the project in our classroom.) After every participant has recorded their stack counts, we will take everyone’s highest count and average them together for ONE CLASS AVERAGE. Then submit them to the Projects by Jen webpage and compare our results.
Here are the pics from our attempts!!
We had lots of fun!! The highest stack was 22 and the lowest was 13. We still have to complete one more attempt and then we will get our average and submit it to Projects by Jen!