Monday, March 18, 2013

Center Time

Here are a few pics I captured while the kids were working on centers last week. They do these while I meet with small groups. I was able to snap a few pictures between my groups!


They have 7 activities to complete.

Cutting words from magazines.

Drawing their favorite part of the story after listening to it.


Writing and drawing their favorite part after reading with a friend.

Making a comic strip.

Building spelling words with letter tiles.


Center time is always a busy time!!


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Today was our Booster-thon fun run! Everyone ran hard and got their laps in!! Thanks so much for all your pledges and donations to help our school!





Seuss Week

Last week we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday! We did lots of fun things!


We listened to Rick and Bubba read "Green Eggs and Ham".

Our class poster for the book poster contest.


We did a Lorax writing activity.






We watched "One Fish, Two Fish" and did a graphing activity with Goldfish.


We wrapped up Friday by watching " Horton Hears a Who".


We enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss stories and do lots of fun activities!